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The Capture Manager is responsible for assessing the intelligence collected by the Business Development Manager and turning into the win strategies necessary to win the opportunity. The last Readiness Review is conducted in two parts, one completed by the Business Development Manager and the assessment completed by the Capture Manager. The completion of the last Readiness Review also completes the hand-off from the Business Development Manager having the lead role for the pursuit, and the Capture Manager taking over the lead role. Both parts need to be reviewed to establish readiness. The first part uses a standard Readiness Review scoring sheet. The second part, completed by the Capture Manager, uses the scoring sheet below. Question, Action Item, or Goal Guidance Score Opportunity Intel Competitive Assessment Is the survey of the competitive environment accurate? Does it reflect all the companies, or at least the kinds of companies who will be bidding? Does it address how each will position themselves and how your company should position against them? Does the competitive positioning provide the win strategies and themes required to win the proposal? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Teaming Are all the companies should be on the team identified? Are their roles and responsibilities on the team adequately described? Is the reason for each company being on the team provided, both from your company’s perspective and from the customer’s perspective? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Project Staffing Are all required positions identified? Are they filled? Are the qualifications (either of the staff or of the positions) known? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Organization How will the project fit into the corporate organization? How will the project itself be organized? Have the org charts been drawn yet? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Project References Are all of the relevant experience references for your company identified? Is the information complete and up-to-date? Is the reason each one is relevant identified? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Evaluation Criteria How well do you understand what is important to the customer? Do you know their evaluation criteria, weighting, and/or scoring system? Do you know their procedure for making a selection? Do you understand how that will impact the proposal? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Potential Graphics and Illustrations Early identification of graphics can make the proposal go faster. Early drafting of graphics can be used to drive consensus regarding the concept of operations, approaches, and other aspects of the project. Early completion of graphics can be used to drive the writing. Is the list of potential graphics complete? Are any drafts accurate? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What will it take to win Is the assessment of what it will take to win accurate and complete? Will it adequately serve to define, measure, and assess proposal quality? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Proposal Staffing Is the proposal staff list complete and accurate? Have all staff that can be identified been named? Is the level of effort appropriate to achieve the level of quality desired? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Use of Consultants Is the number, names, and budget for use of consultants acceptable? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Resources Requirements Have all the resources (other than staff) that will be required for the proposal been properly identified? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Proposal Budget Is the budget for the proposal acceptable? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Readiness to win Is the company properly positioned to be ready to win at RFP release? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What else should be added, addressed, or done to ensure a win? List or attach anything you would like done before the RFP is released so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do have any other comments, suggestions, guidance, or direction to offer? In addition to assessing progress, the purpose of Readiness Reviews is to help ensure that the pursuit is ready to win at RFP release. What can you do to help? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is the customer’s procurement process What steps, events, or milestones must be completed for the customer to release the RFP? What approvals are required? Is there any way you can assist the customer or influence the RFP? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Date Reviewed: Reviewed By: Return to the Introduction to Readiness Reviews Topic Hub or go to the next Readiness Review Scoring Sheet?
The following scoring sheet summarizes the questions to be answered, action items to be accomplished, and goals to be achieved for this review. Each one should be assessed to determine if the pursuit is on track to be ready to win at RFP release. Question, Action Item, or Goal Guidance Score Opportunity Intel Do you know the final scope/customer requirements? Has anything changed? Time is running out to take corrective action, so you need to confirm that nothing has changed regarding the scope or requirements. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Have you staffed the key positions? If personnel are a key factor in the customer’s decision, you want to know you’ve got winners to staff the key positions with. The closer you are to being ready to start, and the more qualified your staff, the better you will look. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What are you doing to monitor the procurement process? What are you doing to look for, prevent, or fix any potential show stoppers? Is the customer on schedule? Have they received all of the approvals that will be required? Have any changes occurred? Are there any problems that could lead to changes? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What do you anticipate the evaluation criteria will be? Knowing the evaluation criteria tells you what you need to do to score well and ultimately win. It can also tell you what the customer thinks is important. If you can’t find out about the evaluation criteria directly, you may be able to find out about the procurement policies, past RFPs, and habits. At least discover what is important to them. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Are you sure about the value of the opportunity? Has anything changed? Anything that changes on the procurement (scope, budget, acquisition strategy, etc.) may impact the value of the opportunity. A change in the value can impact your pricing and pursuit. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green How do you think your pricing will compare to that of the competition? While it may be difficult to know the competitor’s pricing exactly, a lot of the time you can discover which competitors tend to have higher or lower prices by the outcome of previous competitions. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is your pricing strategy? What approach to pricing will be necessary to win? The lowest pricing is not always best. Also, the type of contract and the contractual terms can have a major impact. What pricing strategies do you recommend? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What are your high level management and technical approaches? Are they enough to win? By this time, you should be able to articulate what your approaches are going to be, at least at a high level. This will help you to know what subject matter expertise you’ll need to write the proposal. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Is there anything left to do to influence the procurement? You should already have implemented your plan to influence the procurement by this time. However, there may still be action items remaining, and it’s important enough to pause and reconsider whether there is anything else you can do to tip the scales in your favor. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Articulate why your offering will be the best choice Why should the customer pick your offering? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Customer Intel What are you doing to maintain the customer relationship and monitor the customer? By this time, your customer relationship should already be established. But a relationship requires attention. What are you doing to ensure that the relationship remains favorable? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Articulate why the customer will want to select your company Why will the customer want to select your company? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Competitive Intel What are you doing to monitor the competition? Have new competitors arrived? Have any of your competitors teamed together? How are they positioning themselves? Have they done anything to give away their win strategies? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Is your team complete? What is the status of any teaming agreements? Has everyone you want agreed to be on your team? While the final teaming agreement may need to wait for the final RFP, have you begun signing non-disclosure agreements, letters of understanding, and other preliminary paperwork? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Business Line Specific Do you have all the information you need to design and price your offering? Do you have enough details regarding the scope and requirement specifications to know what to offer and to how to price it? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What do you plan to propose that will be better than that of the competition? It is not enough to have something to offer. What you offer has to beat the competition. How do you plan to achieve that? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Articulate why the customer will prefer your company over the competitors Why will the customer pick you above the other companies bidding? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Self-Awareness and Resources Have you assigned a Proposal Manager and has he/she started? By the time of this review the Proposal Manager should have been assigned and be preparing to start the proposal. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Are you familiar with your proposal start-up and RFP distribution procedures? You should review these procedures so that when the RFP is released you are ready to start immediately, without having to ask what to do. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Other Intel Describe any additional intelligence collected Links, attachments, or external references to customer documents or other materials are encouraged. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Assessment Is the pursuit worth further investment? Is the lead promising enough to make it worth the investment of taking to the next Readiness Review? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Is this opportunity on track, for being ready to win at the time of RFP release? Since this is the first review, there is time to collect more information. Is it off to the right start? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Are you on track for developing an information advantage? You can measure the strength of your customer relationship by how much it provides an information advantage over your competitiors. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What issues or challenges need to be overcome? Do you perceive issues that need to be addressed during future future Readiness Reviews? List or attach them so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What additional questions would you like answered before the RFP is released? List or attach any questions that you would like added to the list so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What action items do you recommend completing before the next review? List or attach anything you would like done before the next review so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do you have any other comments, suggestions, guidance, or direction to offer? In addition to assessing progress, the purpose of Readiness Reviews is to help ensure that the pursuit is ready to win at RFP release. What can you do to help? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Date Reviewed: Reviewed By: Return to the Introduction to Readiness Reviews Topic Hub or go to the next Readiness Review Scoring Sheet?
The following scoring sheet summarizes the questions to be answered, action items to be accomplished, and goals to be achieved for this review. Each one should be assessed to determine if the pursuit is on track to be ready to win at RFP release. Question, Action Item, or Goal Guidance Score Opportunity Intel Are you sure about the scope/customer requirements? The scope can change as the customer looks for consensus, feasibility, and budget compatibility. Because of this, even if you think you know the scope, you need to monitor it for changes. In addition, you should be checking with your technical staff for questions about the scope so that they have enough information to build accurate estimates. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green When is the project schedule (start, end, major milestones)? If you know the scope and what is driving the customer’s procurement, then you should also know when the customer wants to start. Knowing the completion time and major milestones can tell you something about the level of effort required. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do you have any remaining capability gaps? You need to know the scope in detail to be sure that you know if there are any areas where your company is weak. Time is running out to fill your capability gaps. Teaming takes time and needs to begin now if you are to have a winning team in place at RFP release. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Have you discovered any potential show stoppers? In addition to capability gaps, you should look for any requirements that might cause your company to lose interest in bidding. Sometimes a show stopper can be corrected, and the sooner you act the better your chances. However, if a show stopper can’t be corrected, then it is better to no-bid early. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What are the staffing requirements? Before you can identify staff to bid and discriminate yourself by the quality of your staffing, you need to know how many people in what labor categories will be required. It’s also a great way to cross check the budget. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Has the customer’s acquisition strategy changed? You need to monitor the acquisition strategy for changes to avoid being surprised by an RFP coming out under a contract vehicle you can’t bid, a change in contract type, on or other unfavorable change. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Is the customer’s procurement process on track? Are they on schedule? What milestones have passed? Which are still to come? Have they received all the approvals that will be required? If they are delayed, is there anything you can do or information you can supply to help? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Can you support your estimate of the value of the opportunity? At this stage, the value needs to be more than just a guess. Show that you’ve done your homework by justifying the value. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What past performance/project references should you use? In professional services, your most important qualification is usually your experience. Which of your company’s projects are the most relevant? You may use them as references. Those that you don’t submit as references may still be useful as citations and examples to reference in the text of the proposal. It will be very helpful to have a list of the projects to reference/cite already prepared. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What have you done to influence the procurement? (contract vehicle, budget, terms, requirements, evaluation criteria, etc.) What have you recommended or done to change or otherwise influence the RFP to your competitive advantage? What else can you do to influence the procurement? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What will it take to win? Assess what you know to determine what you need to do to beat the competition and win the deal with the customer. It’s not sufficient to simply know what it will take; you need to be able to turn that knowledge into action items. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Customer Intel What is the status of your contact plan? Your contact plan should now be implemented. What is your progress towards fulfilling it? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Does the customer have questions or need information you can provide? The customer may not know the best way to achieve their goals. They may not know what is feasible. You should be as helpful as possible to help them get into position to make a procurement. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What do you know about the customer’s preferences? You need to decide your technical/management approaches and select platforms/standard. You will be faced with making trade-offs. You want you decisions to reflect the customer’s preferences. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green How does the customer make decisions? Does the customer have a process for making procurement decisions? Do they require a consensus? Do they have one? At what level are decisions made? What contacts do you have at that level? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is the customer’s procurement process What steps, events, or milestones must be completed for the customer to release the RFP? What approvals are required? Is there any way you can assist the customer or influence the RFP? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What relevant policies, procedures, manuals, rules, and regulations, can you obtain copies of? It helps to know the customers policies and procedures better than they do themselves? This information is often publicly available. Do you have copies and have you studied them? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Competitive Intel Have you gathered sufficient competitive intelligence to win? The goal of collecting competitive intelligence is to help you discover how to beat your competition. What have you learned that will give your company a competitive advantage? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What have you done to position your company against the competition? What actions have you taken to ensure that your company is better positioned than the competition? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Have the desired companies agreed to team? What have you done to implement your teaming plan? You can’t always get the companies you want on your team. Building a team is a process. What companies are you pursuing and what is the status of those pursuits? Will the right team be in place at the time of RFP release? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What proposal win strategies will drive home your competitive advantages? Once you have identified your competitive advantages, you need to translate them into strategies and statements that will help you win the proposal. Doing this may identify additional actions items required to win. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Business Line Specific Do you have all the information you need to design and price your offering? Do you have enough details regarding the scope and requirement specifications to know what to offer and to how to price it? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What do you plan to propose that will be better than that of the competition? It is not enough to have something to offer. What you offer has to beat the competition. How do you plan to achieve that? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Self-Awareness and Resources Has the Capture Manager been assigned and has he/she started yet? The Capture Manager should start during this review so that he/she can complete part of the preparation for the next review. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Has the Proposal Manager been identified yet? Preparing for the next review will involve proposal preparation. You should identify the Proposal Manager during this review so they can start ramping up before the next review. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Other Intel Describe any additional intelligence collected Links, attachments, or external references to customer documents or other materials are encouraged. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Assessment Is the pursuit worth further investment? Is the lead promising enough to make it worth the investment of taking to the next Readiness Review? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Is this opportunity on track, for being ready to win at the time of RFP release? Since this is the first review, there is time to collect more information. Is it off to the right start? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Are you on track for developing an information advantage? You can measure the strength of your customer relationship by how much it provides an information advantage over your competitiors. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What issues or challenges need to be overcome? Do you perceive issues that need to be addressed during future future Readiness Reviews? List or attach them so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What additional questions would you like answered before the RFP is released? List or attach any questions that you would like added to the list so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What action items do you recommend completing before the next review? List or attach anything you would like done before the next review so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do you have any other comments, suggestions, guidance, or direction to offer? In addition to assessing progress, the purpose of Readiness Reviews is to help ensure that the pursuit is ready to win at RFP release. What can you do to help? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Date Reviewed: Reviewed By:
The following scoring sheet summarizes the questions to be answered, action items to be accomplished, and goals to be achieved for this review. Each one should be assessed to determine if the pursuit is on track to be ready to win at RFP release. Question, Action Item, or Goal Guidance Score Opportunity Intel Describe the scope/customer requirements in detail. What do you anticipate will be included or excluded? Include everything necessary to estimate the level of effort to fulfill the requirement. These typically include minimum/maximum quantities, and the type of work that is included/excluded. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What do you plan to do to influence the requirements? What can you do to influence the scope, requirements, evaluation criteria, etc. in your favor? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Are there any gaps between the requirements and your company’s capabilities? Is there anything required that you can’t or don’t want to do? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What are the anticipated locations of work? Will the project require work at more than one location? If so, where? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What do you know about the customer’s acquisition strategy? What method will the customer use to conduct the acquisition? RFP, Task Order, schedule, contract vehicle, etc. Will the customer use a sources sought notice, draft RFP, or other approach to help finalize the RFP? How many bidders is the customer seeking? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What are you doing to influence the customer’s acquisition strategy? What can you do to influence the type of contract, contract vehicle, small business requirements, procurement procedures, etc., in your favor? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is the estimated value of the opportunity? If you can’t estimate the value in dollars, do it in the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) positions, number of units, or some other measure. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is the potential budget and what have you done to influence it? Is the budget funded/ approved? If the customer doesn’t have a budget and if the budget isn’t funded/approved then the opportunity may never see the light of day… However, if can reach the customer before their budget has been approved, you still have a chance to influence it. You customer may need help determining what a rational budget should be. After all you are the experts... ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What objections, problems, reasons, or limitations might prevent the customer from completing the procurement? What are the chances of this opportunity being cancelled? What can you do to prevent that or overcome the challenges? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What procurement milestones, decisions, and events, should be anticipated? What steps will the procurement go through? What should you expect, anticipate, or be prepared for? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Does the customer understand how to write the RFP and make a selection? What can you do to help? Often the customer’s technical staff is told to write an RFP by their procurement specialists or customer policy. Often, they don’t know how to write a good RFP. While you can’t write the RFP for them, you can supply them with information regarding what is important, how to mitigate risks, etc. It is a good idea to supply this information in a format that makes it easy to copy and paste… ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Customer Intel What is the status of your contact plan? Your contact plan should now be implemented. What is your progress towards fulfilling it? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Does the customer have questions or need information you can provide? The customer may not know the best way to achieve their goals. They may not know what is feasible. You should be as helpful as possible to help them get into position to make a procurement. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What do you know about the customer’s preferences? You need to decide your technical/management approaches and select platforms/standard. You will be faced with making trade-offs. You want you decisions to reflect the customer’s preferences. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green How does the customer make decisions? Does the customer have a process for making procurement decisions? Do they require a consensus? Do they have one? At what level are decisions made? What contacts do you have at that level? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is the customer’s procurement process What steps, events, or milestones must be completed for the customer to release the RFP? What approvals are required? Is there any way you can assist the customer or influence the RFP? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What relevant policies, procedures, manuals, rules, and regulations, can you obtain copies of? It helps to know the customers policies and procedures better than they do themselves? This information is often publicly available. Do you have copies and have you studied them? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Competitive Intel Who are the other potential bidders and what do you know about them? In addition to companies performing similar work at the customer, potential competitors include companies with similar capabilities/qualifications and companies who wish to grow their business with the customer or service area. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What scope of work gaps does each competitor have? Before you can position yourself against the competition, you have to know where they are vulnerable. What aspects of the project will they have difficulty with or need to outsource? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Should you team or bid alone and why? Sometimes it is better to pursue an opportunity with other companies as partners or subcontractors. Sometimes it is better to bid alone. Which is the right approach for this opportunity and why? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green If you should team, who should it be with and why? You can team with other companies to fill a capability gap, to strengthen a capability, to meet a small business requirement, to bring something unique to the customer, to bring experience, to bring resources, to bring a reputation, to mitigate risks, or even to take someone off the street instead of competing with them. You should be selective in choosing teaming partners. Who do you recommend teaming with and why? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What are your competitive advantages? You never want an even playing field. What gives you an advantage over the competition, and what are you doing to widen the gap? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Business Line Specific What information do you need to determine if the what the customer wants is feasible? It’s not a valid lead if what the customer wants can’t be done, delivered, or provided. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What information do you need to properly estimate and specify your offering? What information do you need that is specific to your business? It could be technical or related to locations, volume, staffing, requirements, scope, etc. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green How is the opportunity related to your company or business unit’s strategic plans? Not all leads are relevant to the direction the company wishes to go in. Is this lead relevant? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do you plan to provide any demonstrations, do any prototyping or development, or attend any relevant events? Do you need to develop and prototypes or provide demonstrations so that the customer can see your offering or to put you into a better position for being able to deliver quickly? Are there any events where you can get in front of the customer? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Self-Awareness and Resources Has a Capture Manager been identified yet? Before the next review you will need to have the Capture Manager in place and up to speed. Has one been identified yet? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green If your company has a bid/no-bid process, are you prepared for it? Even though the CapturePlanning.com MustWin Process incorporates bid/no-bid considerations, many companies have an established bid/no-bid review that you will still need to comply with. If your company has an existing formal bid/no-bid procedure, do you know what you need to do to comply with it? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Are there any contracting issues, policies, or procedures that should be incorporated into your efforts to influence the customer/RFP? Because government contracts are highly regulated, you should review your efforts to influence the customer and RFP with a contracts specialist. Even in commercial procurements it is a good idea to do this. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Other Intel Describe any additional intelligence collected Links, attachments, or external references to customer documents or other materials are encouraged. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Assessment Is the pursuit worth further investment? Is the lead promising enough to make it worth the investment of taking to the next Readiness Review? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Is this opportunity on track, for being ready to win at the time of RFP release? Since this is the first review, there is time to collect more information. Is it off to the right start? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Are you on track for developing an information advantage? You can measure the strength of your customer relationship by how much it provides an information advantage over your competitiors. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What issues or challenges need to be overcome? Do you perceive issues that need to be addressed during future future Readiness Reviews? List or attach them so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What additional questions would you like answered before the RFP is released? List or attach any questions that you would like added to the list so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What action items do you recommend completing before the next review? List or attach anything you would like done before the next review so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do you have any other comments, suggestions, guidance, or direction to offer? In addition to assessing progress, the purpose of Readiness Reviews is to help ensure that the pursuit is ready to win at RFP release. What can you do to help? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Date Reviewed: Reviewed By: Return to the Introduction to Readiness Reviews Topic Hub or go to the next Readiness Review Scoring Sheet?
The following scoring sheet summarizes the questions to be answered, action items to be accomplished, and goals to be achieved for this review. Each one should be assessed to determine if the pursuit is on track to be ready to win at RFP release. Question, Action Item, or Goal Guidance Score Opportunity Intel What is the scope of the opportunity? What does the customer require? Include everything necessary to estimate the level of effort to fulfill the requirement. These typically include minimum/ maximum quantities, and the type of work that is included/ excluded. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is the potential value or range? At this stage it may not be practical to accurately estimate the value, since the scope may not be well defined yet. But people are going to ask anyway, so you should have an answer. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What goals would the customer like to accomplish with the procurement? Why is the customer pursuing this procurement? What is motivating them? What are they trying to achieve? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is driving the procurement schedule? Is the customer trying to complete the procurement by a specific date, event, or other mandate? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Customer Intel Who is the customer? Is the buyer the end-user? What organization(s) would be the sponsor, control the funding, have the end-users, conduct the procurement, and manage the project? What are their roles in making procurement decisions? Do you know enough about the customer to impact your win strategies? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Who do you know at the customer and how well? Who do you have a relationship with at the customer? Who can you name but don’t have a relationship with? Who will participate in the evaluation and what will be their role? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green How well does the customer know you? Does the customer recognize you as a qualified and trustworthy vendor? What do they know of your capabilities? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What do you know about how the customer is organization? How are they structured (attach organizational chart)? How do they function? How do the allocate authority and decision making? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What is your contact plan? You should have a contact plan that identifies who you plan to reach at the customer, when (once, weekly, monthly, etc.) and what you plan to discuss/achieve. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Competitive Intel Who are the incumbents (if any)? Who is currently doing business with the customer in similar or relevant areas? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why should you pursue this and what challenges do you need to overcome? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Business Line Specific What do you need to know to validate the scope? What do you need to know to specify your offering so that you can gather the correct information in future reviews? It may be specific to your business and could be technical or related to locations, volume, staffing, requirements, etc. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green How is the opportunity related to your company’s strategic plans? Not all leads are relevant to the direction the company wishes to go in. Is this lead relevant? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Self-Awareness and Resources What questions or goals specific to your company or industry should be added? Certain types of business, technology, and environments require specific intelligence to be gathered in order to be ready to bid. Use this space to address any that might be relevant. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do you know your company’s business development process? Summarize to show that you understand your own company’s business development process (key events, milestones, approvals, etc.). ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do you know your company’s for budgeting and tracking pre-RFP pursuit costs? Some companies track and account for the time, effort, and expenses associated with each pursuit. But when they start tracking, how they budget, and how they account for it is different from company to company. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green How does your lead tracking system work? If you have an existing lead tracking, forecasting, or reporting system, show that you understand what is required to use it. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Other Intel Describe any additional intelligence collected Links, attachments, or external references to customer documents or other materials are encouraged. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Assessment Is the pursuit worth further investment? Is the lead promising enough to make it worth the investment of taking to the next Readiness Review? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Is this opportunity on track, for being ready to win at the time of RFP release? Since this is the first review, there is time to collect more information. Is it off to the right start? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Are you on track for developing an information advantage? You can measure the strength of your customer relationship by how much it provides an information advantage over your competitiors. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What issues or challenges need to be overcome? Do you perceive issues that need to be addressed during future future Readiness Reviews? List or attach them so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What additional questions would you like answered before the RFP is released? List or attach any questions that you would like added to the list so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green What action items do you recommend completing before the next review? List or attach anything you would like done before the next review so they can be tracked. ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Do you have any other comments, suggestions, guidance, or direction to offer? In addition to assessing progress, the purpose of Readiness Reviews is to help ensure that the pursuit is ready to win at RFP release. What can you do to help? ❏ Red ❏ Yellow ❏ Green Date Reviewed: Reviewed By: Return to the Introduction to Readiness Reviews Topic Hub or go to the next Readiness Review Scoring Sheet?
The scoring system for Readiness Reviews can be used to quantify your progress and readiness. By tracking your readiness you can ensure that you trend towards being ready. By tracking across multiple pursuits you can identify exactly what is helping or hurting your win rates. Will You Be Ready In Time for RFP Release? See also: Pre-rfp readiness reviews Readiness Reviews lend themselves to providing metrics. Across a single opportunity you can track whether you are trending up or trending down with your readiness. You should score and track your Readiness Reviews at three different levels: Individual questions Average score by category (Customer, Opportunity, Competitive, and Self Awareness) Average score by Readiness Review stage (1-4) If you track them using a spreadsheet or even a table, you can see whether you are trending towards green or towards red. Obviously you want to see the trend going to green. If people do not understand the Readiness Review process or the expectations of the reviewers, their initial scores may be low. However, you should see these trend up in subsequent reviews. If the team loses focus, you may see scores start to slip. The whole idea of having Readiness Reviews is that you know if people lose focus and can catch it in time to turn it around before the RFP is released. Your readiness for RFP release can also be quantified. Each question is assessed a red/yellow/green score. These can be converted to numbers (1-3) or even percentages. This may help lend the process to other forms of metrics analysis and probability assessment. Tracking Across Multiple Pursuits Across multiple pursuits, you can track how your readiness impacts your win rate by: Converting your red/yellow/green assessments to numeric values Comparing the scores of individual questions to your win rate Comparing the average score at each Readiness Review to your win rate Comparing the average score per category (Customer, Opportunity, Competitive, and Self Awareness) to your win rate Doing this will show you whether relative strength or weakness in an area (question, category, or review stage) is an indicator of win probability. Return to the Introduction to Readiness Reviews Topic Hub.
If you complete all of your opportunity readiness reviews but the RFP does not come out on time, you should put a monitoring program into place. Your plans are based on the earliest anticipated RFP release. But what if it gets delayed or comes out later than that? The Business Developer and Capture Manager should take advantage of that time. The Executive Sponsor should set up a schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly?) to review the status. Suggestions for what to monitor while you are waiting for RFP release: See also: Pre-rfp readiness reviews Could the opportunity be cancelled? Could the customer’s acquisition strategy change? Are all necessary budgets and approvals really in place? Could the scope change? Can you add detail to any of the readiness report questions? Is there anything else you can do to prepare for the proposal? Is there anything else you can do to position yourself in the eyes of the customer? You can't run at full speed forever. Should you pause? In addition to monitoring, you have to decide whether to maintain a high tempo of pursuit or slow down to wait for the customer to act. The MustWin Process helps you decide. Are you satisfied with the answers to the Readiness Review questions and do you feel you have an information advantage? You don't ask these questions in isolation where you have no way to assess the answers. You ask them against a specific set of questions including: Your responses to the Readiness Review questions What you have discovered about what it will take to win The questions you will need answered to complete your Proposal Content Plan Regardless of whether you pause active pursuit or not, you'll still need to implement the monitoring program.
The MustWin Process will not break if you start late. In fact, it tells you exactly what you need to do to get caught up. Regardless of how much time is available, you still need to identify, assess, and achieve what it will take to win. Whether you can achieve it depends on how much time is left after you've identified and assessed it. The MustWin Process accelerates these steps by providing the questions you need to answer and what you need to do. The real question is do you have the information you need to win. We recommend starting ahead of RFP release to provide time to gather this information. What you need to do to catch up What you need to accomplish does not change because you started late. You still need to do the same things, you just have less time to do them. Because the MustWin process tells you the questions you must answer and things you must do in order to be prepared, all you need to do is answer them quickly. It’s a bit like cramming for an exam, only worse. You cannot get caught up by skipping steps like the Readiness Reviews or proposal planning. You should not simply start writing based on nothing more than the RFP unless you want to lose. The reason you need to complete the questions for the Readiness Reviews is that they lay the foundation for developing your bid strategies. The only thing worse than bidding at the last minute is bidding without any strategy for winning. The MustWin Process not only helps guide you to develop those strategies, but it helps make sure that you build the proposal document around them. If you want the writing to implement your plans for winning, you need to make those plans before you start writing. Writing first and then trying to insert statements that help the proposal win in a later draft is a strategy that relies on the competition doing a worse job on their proposal than you are doing on yours. That is no way to ensure a win. The MustWin Process is based on building your proposal around your knowledge of what it will take to win. You can’t do that without thinking it through first. And you cannot do it reliably without validating it. You cannot skip steps if you want to win. Is it too late to bid? See also: Pre-rfp readiness reviews If you cannot answer the questions, then objectively you are not ready to bid. Your odds of winning if you are not ready are much lower. How much lower depends on how effective you are at answering the questions. This is a good time to suggest reading the topic on “Bid/No Bid Considerations” and “More Reasons to No Bid.” After you read them, go back and read them again. If after answering the questions, you do not have a competitive advantage, then you question whether bidding is still a good idea. If you are committed to bidding in spite of a late start, then you better start working some long hours immediately. You should have started developing your win strategies and draft proposal plans before the RFP is released so that you can complete them quickly when the RFP hits the streets. If you are starting late, you still need to do the pre-RFP steps, but you can’t let it take more than a few days. You don’t have time to warm up or gather your resources. To get your proposal back on track you need your proposal plans in place without delay. If you work hard you can achieve that and the proposal will have a fighting chance. If you delay getting your plans together, it will impact the amount of time to write the proposal and quality will suffer. There is a variation of Murphy’s Law that says that all proposals take the same amount of time. If you start late, you just have to work round the clock to put the same number of hours in as if you had started early. If you do the hard work to get caught up, you will be rewarded by how the process makes the writing easier and by what it does to improve your chances of winning. The good news is that because the MustWin Process defines what it takes to be ready, you can measure your progress at getting caught up. The bad news is that you will know exactly how far behind you are…
The MustWin Process uses a formula to schedule Readiness Reviews: The Business Development Manager should complete each report by the due date entered on this page. The due dates are set by dividing the time until RFP release evenly across the four reviews. On or as soon as possible after that date, the Executive Sponsor should review the report and assess whether the progress is sufficient to be ready at RFP release. See also: Pre-rfp readiness reviews To determine the dates, you must have an anticipated date of RFP release — even if you have to guess. You should always use the earliest anticipated RFP release date, since it is better to be ready too soon than it is to be ready too late. To schedule the four opportunity readiness reviews, take the time between now and the anticipated date for RFP release, and divide evenly by five. This will enable you to set the date of the last review with some time left for action items before the RFP is released. Examples: If RFP release is expected in 10 months, then the Lead Identification Review would be at the start of Month 2, the Qualification Review would be at the start of Month 4, Intelligence Review would be at the start of Month 6, and the Bid Preparation Review would be at the start of Month 8. If the RFP release is expected in 30 days, then the Lead Identification Review would be on day 6, the Qualification Review would be on Day 12, the Intelligence Review would be on Day 18, and the Bid Preparation Review would be on Day 24. The dates do not have to be precisely even. You can adjust for weekends, holidays, etc. Should you find that the anticipated date of RFP release has slipped, it’s OK to change and extend the readiness review dates. You want people to be able to take advantage of all of the time available. You just don’t want the RFP to come out before you’ve passed your readiness reviews. Readiness reviews are cumulative. If for some reason you start the process in the middle, then all of the goals of the previous reviews up to that point would be included in the next review. At each review, the Executive Sponsor will assess whether the pursuit has sufficiently fulfilled the goals for that phase.
Readiness reviews bring structure to the pre RFP pursuit phase
Carl Dickson posted an Article in PropLibrary
Readiness Reviews are a methodology we invented to ensure that the pre-RFP process delivers the information you need to write the winning proposal. They do this by making better use of the time available (whatever that ends up being) between when you identify a lead and when the RFP will come out. Readiness Reviews prompt people with what to do and provide a means to track progress and even measure effectiveness. They make the pre-RFP pursuit less of some kind of mysterious art and more of a science. The way they work is to first divide the time available into four equal stages. During each stage you try to find answers and take actions that are guided by a list of goals. Each stage ends with a review. The reviews are conducted against a standard. The standard is whether progress is sufficient to be in position to win at RFP release. Each question, goal, and action item gets graded on a scale that can be easily quantified. This enables you to see whether over time the trend is toward being ready, or moving away from being ready. Each of the Readiness Reviews is a bid/no bid decision. Each review considers whether it’s worth investing more to get to the next review. In addition to stopping low probability leads sooner, they make it easier to pull the plug on valid leads that were not adequately pursued and are no longer competitive. See also: Pre-rfp readiness reviews Each review has a separate list of questions, goals, and action items. They build on each other over time. For example, identification of incumbents becomes identification of all possible competitors, which becomes competitive assessments and teaming considerations. Readiness Reviews ensure that nothing gets overlooked and that the information you gather adds up to what you need to write a winning proposal. Readiness Reviews address the problem of getting to the proposal stage and having questions that you can no longer get answers to by bring up those questions earlier. Over the four reviews Readiness Reviews also change from gathering information to assessing information and finally to articulating win strategies and themes. They guide the flow of information from raw data to the things you need to say in your proposal. Because the way we approach proposals measures everything against what it will take to win, Readiness Reviews also guide people from gathering data to using it to identify what it will take to win. It even itemizes this information to form the basis for creating the criteria that will guide Proposal Quality Validation. The result ensures that the proposal reflects what you learned about the opportunity, customer, and competitive environment. It sounds complicated because we get a lot of mileage out of a few lists and reviews by setting them up in an innovative way. The result is fairly simple to implement, highly efficient in terms of the effort it takes, and produces a huge return for that effort. Return to the Introduction to Readiness Reviews Topic Hub. -
Within the CapturePlanning.com MustWin Process we measure progress and quality against what it will take to win. During the critical pre-RFP phase of the pursuit, we use Readiness Reviews to ensure measurable progress towards discovering what it will take to win. Readiness Reviews bring structure to the pre-RFP phase of pursuit and help ensure that you arrive at RFP release and begin the proposal prepared to win. Each Readiness Review has specific questions, goals, and action items that must be completed. We recommend having four Readiness Reviews. With four readiness reviews you can use this technique to schedule them flexibly no matter how much time there is between lead identification and RFP release. This way if you find out about the opportunity one month before RFP release, you have a week to prepare for each review. If you are tracking a year in advance you have three months to prepare for each review. And if you find out about it at (or even after) RFP, it tells you what you need to find out in order to get caught up. If you finish the Readiness Reviews and the RFP is delayed, you have the right foundation to wait and monitor, or continue to prepare. Each Readiness Review builds on the previous one so that information is collected, assessed, and transformed into what stakeholders need. We do not expect people to be able to answer all of the questions we ask. Instead, we look for them to answer as many as are humanly possible, and to provide help, guidance, and alternative approaches for the questions that they have been unable to answer. Smoothing the transitions from business development to the proposal See also: Faster Readiness Reviews also provide a means to transfer knowledge and streamline the transition from business development to the proposal. They help ensure that you can answer the questions needed to write a great proposal and do it from the customer’s perspective. Metrics and Management by Measurement Most companies have regular meetings where they review their leads, gloss over what the don’t know, and put the emphasis on the fact that calls were placed or meetings held. Instead, Readiness Reviews enable you to measure your progress towards being ready for RFP release. You can quantify whether you know what you should. This feedback is important. It shows you how much more you need to do in order to be prepared. It can also be used to show trends or areas of weakness across multiple pursuits. When you score your Readiness Reviews, you can generate a ton of metrics that you can use to assess what impacts your win rate and improve it over time. You can use Readiness Reviews to turn business development from an art into a science. At each review, assess whether the answers provided and actions taken are sufficient to prepare you for RFP release. We use a Red/Yellow/Green scale to grade the answers to each question. You should see answers that score a “Yellow” or “Red” in an early review move to “Green” by later review. While movement in the other direction is bad, it’s good to have an objective way to identify it when you are slipping. Readiness Reviews connect strategic planning to the proposal Your strategic plans should point you in the direction to prospect and provide high level positioning. This positioning lays the foundation for developing your value proposition. When you identify leads, you bring those strategies to the customer. During the pursuit, as you build the customer relationship, gather intelligence, and develop an information advantage, Readiness Reviews guide you through gathering information, assessment, ad articulating your bid strategies and themes. Along the way they also give you the means to connect your strategic plans all the way to the proposal. Improving ROI and making effective bid/no bid decisions Each Readiness Review is essentially a bid/no bid decision. At each review the question becomes whether the lead is worth the cost of preparing for the next review. If a review shows that your company does not have an information advantage or is not prepared to win, you have the opportunity to stop the pursuit without incurring any additional cost. Readiness Reviews help you break out of the idea that a bid/no bid decision happens at a moment in time, and replaces it with a continuous focus on ROI. List of questions and scoring sheets to implement Readiness Reviews: The following items provide the list of questions, goals, and action items in a table that can be used as a scoring and signoff sheet. Readiness Review #1: Scoring Sheet Readiness Review #2: Scoring Sheet Readiness Review #3: Scoring Sheet Readiness Review #4: Scoring Sheet Readiness Review #4b: Capture Report Scoring Sheet
Winning by writing proposals from the customer's perspective
Carl Dickson posted a Topic Hub in PropLibrary
Proposal writing is not about finding the magic words that will somehow compel the customer to select your proposal over all other alternatives. It's really about understanding what the customer needs to see to reach their decision and then giving it to them. And yet most companies fail to do this. See also: Customer perspective The most important skill for winning in writing is writing from the customer's perspective. Your proposal should not be about you, it should be about your customer and be written from their perspective. To achieve this, you need to avoid describing yourself and your offering. Instead, you should be putting your offering in context, based on the customer's perspective and not your own. Even when the RFP says to "describe" your company or offering, you should be putting it in the context that the customer cares about. It really helps to learn how to read your proposal the way the customer will. The customer doesn't really care about you, they care about the outcome of the procurement and what you will do for them. The last thing you want to do is to tell a story in your proposal that the customer doesn't care about. If all you do is describe yourself and your offering, then the customer will not care about your proposal. When the customer looks at your proposal, what do they see? If you are not sure about the customer's perspective, here are 33 ways to see things through the customer's eyes. And here are 22 more examples of things the customer might be looking for. And in case you find the RFP confusing, here are 34 reasons it was written that way. If you still lack insight, you can try making your proposal part of a conversation. If you are trying to write a proposal when you don't know the customer, you might have to make some assumptions. Or you can try writing your proposal dangerously or even ignore the customer's vision. The good news is that if you write your proposals from the customer's perspective, then a proposal beginner can beat their more experienced competition. Most proposals are written about the company submitting instead of being about the customer. Lots of companies even write their Executive Summaries backwards and introduce their proposal sections in painfully ordinary ways. It's critically important that you write the Executive Summary from the customer's perspective. You can write a good proposal by simply answering the RFP and describing yourself and your offering. And that is what most companies do. But you can't write a great proposal unless you matter to the customer. In addition, here are three ways to go from writing ordinary proposals to writing great proposals. This is how writing from the customer's perspective turns proposal writing into a competitive advantage. -
You can’t write a great proposal unless you have a great offering. Trying to write about something in a great way when you haven’t figured out what that something even is, is just a recipe for failure. You need to start the writing already knowing what your great offering is going to be. In fact, making up a great offering by writing about it is a great way to ensure that you end up with a poor offering that is poorly explained. That’s a major way that companies end up with a low win rate, and it's completely avoidable. Great offerings are not simply made up. They are engineered. Even if you offer a service that is far removed from engineering, the process you go through to design your offering will resemble engineering. Most offering design efforts focus on what should be included in your offering design. However, to engineer your offering, you also need to focus on the process. The specifics of your engineering methodology for capturing the specifications of what you are offering will vary because they depend on the nature of what you are writing. But there are some goals that all offering design efforts have in common. For more information about preparing your technical approach: Technical Approach You should validate your offering design with the customer before you propose it. You are not the judge of whether you have a great offering. Only the customer is. If you want to be sure that your ideas are impressive and reflect the customer’s preferences, you need to test your assumptions by running them by the customer. You can’t do this if you wait until you have the RFP to start designing your offering. You can’t do this if you don’t have a customer contact plan in mind. You need to be able to anticipate the customer's goals and preferences. Having an offering design in mind will help you know how to influence the RFP. What would you like to see in the RFP? Or not see in it? What should guide the customer’s decision? It depends on what you are offering. You can’t influence the RFP with your offering in mind unless you start talking to the customer about it before they start writing the RFP. It’s not enough to start discovering the customer’s requirements that early, you have to start designing your offering that early as well. Offer design is driven by value. What is your value proposition? How do you add value without adding cost? How do you make trade-offs to arrive at the best value? How do you win when the value you add is intangible? Is what you are offering competitive? A great offering design that will cost too much is not a great offering design. If the customer loves it but can’t (or won’t) afford it, it’s not a great offering design. To be the best alternative for the customer, you must consider the price of your offering compared to their other alternatives. Your offering design process also needs to be validated within your company. Is it the best your company can offer? Are the risks acceptable? What is your company’s decision or approval process, and how does that impact the process for your offering design? Finally, your offering design process needs to anticipate the information that will be needed to write a great proposal. Note that I didn’t say you should start writing. That would be a mistake because you can’t tailor the writing to win the RFP until you have the RFP. But you can anticipate the information you will need. You want to be in a position where you can combine all the details about the RFP’s requirements, the customer’s perspective, the evaluation criteria, etc., with the details about your offering. You want to accelerate your Proposal Content Planning so that the writing can reflect everything it needs to, without creating additional editing cycles to fix a narrative that’s not only worded wrong but structured wrong because it didn’t anticipate everything it needed to. Don’t write until you’re ready. But absolutely do design your offering and be prepared when it’s time to describe it in writing. From these items, you can arrange a sequence and milestones. Then you have a structure with which you can address all of the details you want to represent in your offering design, based on the nature of what you offer. When your process and schedule are complete, you not only have a better flow of information towards a proposal that is more likely to win, you have a means to better integrate the talent throughout your organization towards the common goal of winning and growing. Premium Content for PropLIBRARY Subscribers Planning Your Solution vs. Planning Your Content
The problem with best practices is the worst care scenario. When the best practices don't apply or can't be used, they leave fail people by leaving them hanging. Don't worry. We're here to help. See also: Dealing with adversity When you can't do proposals the right way, sometimes you have to do proposals The Wrong Way™. It's one of our favorite subjects to write about, because it's so diabolical and fun to do the opposite of what the best practices say you should do. But we have to give you fair warning: doing proposals The Wrong Way™ can ensure that you lose. Doing proposals The Wrong Way™ is for when surviving the proposal has a higher priority than winning. How often do The Powers That Be come into your office and say “We’ve been looking at this RFP and have decided to submit a proposal.” You look into it and realize that you’ve lost 10 days off of a 30-day schedule, there was no client marketing before the RFP came out, no one knows who the potential competitors are, the customer doesn’t even know your name, and you know you have almost no chance of winning. However, The Powers That Be say you must bid, so you have no choice but to do the proposal The Wrong Way™. Doing proposals The Wrong Way™ is sometimes necessary when you have weaknesses you can't fix, so you turn them into strengths instead. But more often, proposal writers have to figure out how to write about a subject they know nothing about. Sometimes you have to do it that way because you have adverse circumstances, like bad past performance to overcome. Even a good proposal where the best practices mostly apply can have rough edges and insurmountable challenges to overcome. Doing proposals The Wrong Way gives you techniques for overcoming obstacles, coping, or even cheating when the best practices fail you. Just beware the dark side of the force. It is extremely powerful, but also tempting. And it can destroy your soul. But it can also save a proposal, because knowing how to do proposals The Wrong Way can also help you improve their quality. Premium Content for PropLIBRARY Subscribers Recipes for how to do proposals The Wrong Way.
Waiting for a contract before you start developing your customer relationships is doing business development backwards. There are more ways to get ahead of the RFP and start relationship marketing than most people realize. This is a critical first step towards being able to influence the RFP. See also: Relationship marketing A lot of people focus on customer intimacy as something that improves your chances of winning. Plus, it sounds cool. No company is going to say they’re not interested in customer intimacy. It’s pretty easy to convince the executives that it’s something you just have to have. But then you have a problem... How do you achieve customer intimacy? It has more to do with being helpful than it does with being conversational. Relationship marketing is largely about demonstrating your value to the customer by sharing information and insight. To help you get started, here are 82 topics to discuss with your customers. Relationships are vital for winning contracts, only not for the reasons that some people think. Relationship marketing isn't about winning contracts because the customer likes you. Relationships alone aren't enough for you to win contracts. Relationship marketing is about winning contracts by having more insight into the customer's needs, and being able to translate that information advantage into a better proposal. In addition to understanding your customer's needs, you can also gain a competitive advantage by understanding your customer's acquisition and decision process. When you start late and can't write a proposal based on your insight into the customer's needs, one strategy you can use is to make the proposal part of a conversation and approach it like the start of a relationship. Another approach is to share a vision and invite the customer to be a part of it. In many ways you can think of the entire customer relationship as one big conversation. Only you need approach this conversation by trying to be helpful and as a chance to demonstrate your ability to deliver value, instead of as an opportunity to talk about yourself.
It's not enough to track your leads. You need to know what they add up to. You need to know how many resources you'll need to win the pursuit. And at each step along the way, you'll drop some leads. Either they fail to qualify, the customer cancels them, or they all land at the same time and you can't pursue them all. Pipeline analysis blends lead tracking with analytics. A pipeline model is a spreadsheet that shows your leads over time, status, source, and other attributes. The formulas contained in the pipeline can enable you to do "what if" analysis that give you exceptional insight into what drives the success of your business. See also: Assessing and filling your business opportunity pipeline An assessment of your pipeline can tell you whether you're going to hit your numbers, what your numbers should be, and what it will take to get there. Consistent success requires more than just getting a database of leads and submitting some proposals. But perhaps the most important is that pipeline assessments can tell your future. When you try to answer the questions that determine the success of your business development efforts, most of them require a pipeline model and some time to collect the data. In every pipeline assessment we've done, we've discovered that there's something more important to the growth of your business than lead generation. It's so vital that if you don't have it, you really aren't in business at all. You're just gambling. But collecting the data is tricky. And if you interpret the data wrong, you can fool yourself. But when you do it right, it can also help you better integrate business development, lead capture, and proposal submission. You will also discover that successful growth requires more than just good people. When you structure your pipeline correctly and collect the right data, it can help you fill your pipeline the right way, and greatly contribute to successful growth.
Having a proposal process is easy. Successfully implementing a proposal process is hard. And everyone else is to blame. Okay, maybe you are part of the problem too. I call it the Other People Problem. To create a proposal bigger than yourself, you have to be able to work through other people. And other people are problematic in so many different ways. For something to be a proposal process, it must be something that other people can implement. If a specific person is required for it to function, it is not a process. It's simply that person's way of doing things. A process that other people can implement requires more than just steps. It requires a flow of information. People must not only have steps for creating a winning proposal, but they also have to have information as inputs, know what the step involves, and have a way of knowing if they completed it correctly. It will also help if they know what options they have for various contingencies, in case things don't go as planned or in case circumstances change. And it will also help if people have a way to acquire any skills they might need to implement the process. Nearly every contractor I have encountered says they have a proposal process. And nearly all of them are wrong. This includes billion-dollar companies with tons of documentation about proposals. They have tons of documentation. They have expectations. But they do not have a process. One big reason that most companies do not have the process they claim they do is because they give up during implementation. Working through other people, enabling them to do a complex task without being dependent on any particular person, is extraordinarily difficult. It's much easier to simply direct them. To successfully implement your proposal process, you need to: See also: Successful process implementation Inform people of the goals they need to accomplish Deliver the right information to the right people at the right time Anticipate what information will be required and how it will need to be managed Itemize the information to be handled and what to do with it Enable people to discover how to do what is required Interface with things that are needed but are outside the scope of the process Collaborate with people who are outside your control Enable people to know when they've completed a task successfully Obtain adequate resources Reach appropriate decisions Operate according to schedule Manage the expectations of all stakeholders Adapt to customer-driven and other changes None of this will be possible without the enthusiastic participation of Other People. How you gain the enthusiastic participation of Other People depends on your corporate culture. However, the most important issue is likely to be whether the participants find it easier to follow the process or to perform their tasks in their own way. If following the process will take more effort than skipping it, you're going to encounter resistance. Forcing people to follow your proposal process is counter-productive. The MustWin Process is designed around the flow of information required to create a proposal based on what it will take to win. The MustWin Process is fully documented for PropLIBRARY Subscribers and can be immediately put to work. It is goal driven. And because it helps people realize and achieve their goals, it's easier than trying to create a proposal without it. I can't tell you how many times I've heard proposal specialists go to management wanting to force people to follow their process. This will never work. There's a reason why people aren't following the process, and it's not because they're not interested.
The only thing harder than winning business is having to work with other people to win business. See also: Roles and responsibilities First you've got all the hand-offs, from marketing to business development to capture to proposal to production. Then there is the natural tension between technical staff and those involved in marketing and sales. People in different positions have different perspectives. It only works when people work together. And to work together people need to know what to expect from each other. They need coordination. And all that starts by defining the roles. It's harder than it sounds. For example, when an organization has a proposal manager, they think that part of the process is settled. But sometimes a proposal manager is not a proposal manager. Titles are not enough. Within the MustWin Process we not only define the roles that people play, we do it in a way that makes it easier to allocate your limited resources. We make those roles a flexible part of the process, so that you can maximize the potential contributions of everyone in your organization, whether they are specialists or not. Premium content for PropLIBRARY subscribers Within the MustWin Process, we define roles functionally. This enables each person to wear multiple hats. It also gives you flexibility in how you map the functional needs of proposal development to the staff you have available. Executive Sponsor Business Development Manager Capture Manager Proposal Manager Process Administrator Production Manager Proposal Writers and Subject Matter Experts Graphics/Illustrators
Should you bid everything? Or should you carefully pick and choose what you bid? How should you qualify which leads are worth pursuing? How do you decide which leads are worth bidding? See also: Bid/no bid decisions If you have to justify dropping a lead instead of justifying pursuing a lead, you might want to change the dialog surrounding your bid decisions. To help you know when it's time to rethink your bid/no bid process, we created a list with nine ways to know if your bid decision process needs improvement to help you decide. Then to help you figure out how to change your bid/no bid process, here are six approaches to bid/no bid decisions and ten things they must get right. Lead qualification is key aspect of the pre RFP process and built into the Readiness Reviews. Readiness Reviews also provide a means to achieving effective bid/no bid decisions. The MustWin Process explains how to assess your bid/no bid process, provides major bid/no bid considerations, and because it can't be reinforced enough provides still more reasons to "no bid" a pursuit.
Tips for Site Visits: Just remember that anything you say or do will be observed by your competitors. The site visit should be attended by as many people as are allowed by the customer. Get answers to as many of the Readiness Review questions as possible. The following checklist can help you get the most out of your site visits: See also: Pre-rfp pursuit Gather Intelligence About The Customer ❏ Learn things that they won’t put in writing in the RFP like what their goals or preferences are. ❏ Try to identify who is participating in the procurement and in particular, who will be participating in the evaluation. Gather Intelligence About The Opportunity ❏ Count staff, including both Government and contractor, to help clarify the scope and pricing. ❏ Inventory which equipment is furnished by the contractor and which is furnished by the customer. ❏ Examine documents such as procedures manuals, standards, and policy documents. Request copies of any that look useful. ❏ Come prepared with technical scope questions. You may get different answers in person than in writing. Gather Intelligence About The Competitive Environment ❏ Examine the sign-in sheet to discover who your competitors are. ❏ Request a “Bidders List” or copy of the sign-in sheet. ❏ Find out who intends to bid as a prime contractor and who intends to bid as a subcontractor, while either broadcasting, hiding, or misleading about your own intentions. Influence The Solicitation ❏ Come prepared to make suggestions and influence the solicitation. ❏ Introduce your key staff to the customer face to face. ❏ Be helpful to the customer. ❏ Reinforce how you want to position your company in your customer’s eyes. Return to the Topic Hub for Pre RFP Pursuit, or return to the Starting Point for Discovering What It Will Take To Win.
When the customer issues a draft RFP, you will need to take action. The Capture Manager should inform the Proposal Manager and together they should determine what action items are appropriate. The following checklist can help you plan your response: See also: Pre-rfp pursuit ❏ Is a response required/allowed? ❏ When are comments due? ❏ What is the schedule for release of the final RFP? ❏ Does the release contain the full RFP? ❏ Does the RFP provide all of the information you need to bid? ❏ Do you have questions about any of the RFP requirements? ❏ Are there any RFP requirements that you would like changed? ❏ Are there any RFP requirements that would lead you to cancel the bid if they are not changed? ❏ Does anything in the RFP require changes to your teaming plans? ❏ How can you influence the scope of work, performance specifications, evaluation criteria, or other aspects of the RFP? ❏ Is a bidders list available? ❏ Have you distributed the RFP to all proposal stakeholders? ❏ What can you do to stage your proposal planning documents? If your response includes any requests to change the RFP before it is released, make sure that you provide the text for the changes so that the customer can do a simple copy and paste to implement the change. Before taking action, give some consideration to the customer’s goals in releasing the draft RFP. Did they do it because they want: To verify the specifications are reasonable? To see how many bids they may receive? To give the company they want to win a chance to influence the RFP? To give bidders extra time to prepare to meet the requirements? The reason they released a draft RFP can have a major impact on your strategies for how to respond. Return to the Topic Hub for Pre RFP Pursuit, or return to the Starting Point for Discovering What It Will Take To Win.
Responding to a request for information (RFI) / sources sought notice
Carl Dickson posted an Article in PropLibrary
At any time prior to RFP release, a customer may or may not release an RFI. Customers request RFIs for different reasons and call them by different names. Knowing how to respond and what the impact is on the process depends on what the customer is trying to achieve by releasing the RFI. When the Government is considering a procurement, but is not sure about specifications, methodologies, or potential bidders, they may issue an RFI. An RFI may provide you with an opportunity to: Make suggestions regarding what they should include in the future RFP if it goes forward. Show that you are qualified, responsive, and helpful. Influence the procurement. Provide information about your company to the customer. You should take advantage of these opportunities, if possible. Sometimes, responding to an RFI is required if you want to respond to the future RFP. When this is the case, it will say so in the text of the announcement. There are other documents that are similar in nature to an “RFI” that customers sometimes release. Two of these include: Sources Sought Notice. Usually used when they know what they want, but do not know who can provide it. Market Survey. Used to learn about a market and its suppliers. If the Government thinks a procurement is a candidate for release as a small business set-aside, they may release a Sources Sought notice to see if they get sufficient interest from small businesses. If enough small businesses respond that they are capable of fulfilling the requirements, the Government may be obligated to make the procurement a small business set-aside. If you are a small business you should take advantage of this and include a recommendation and rationale for making the procurement a set-aside. If you are a large business, you should be on guard against this, and include a rationale for why the Government should not make the procurement a small business set-aside. If you have questions about what they are trying to do, you should call the contracting officer. In fact, you should look for an excuse to call, if only to make contact and boost name recognition. Because it is not (yet) a procurement, you may find them willing to talk and to discuss options, trade-offs, intentions, and other critically important concerns that they will not be willing to discuss once an RFP is released. When responding to an RFI, there are many things that you can try to influence, in order to give you a competitive advantage. These include: See also: Pre-RFP pursuit Technical scope. Try to include requirements that will limit the field of competitors. Specifications. Make recommendations that you can comply with, but which will be difficult for others. Contract Type. If you have a preference, here is your chance to make a recommendation. Contract Vehicle. If you have a contract vehicle that you think is advantageous, recommend its use. Provide sufficient detail (POCs, procedures, contract numbers, etc.) so that they can implement your recommendation. Small Business. If you are a small business and think you can do the work yourself, recommend that it be released as a small business set-aside. If you are not a small business, you may want to point out any aspects of what they need that would be difficult for a small business to provide. Then state your willingness to team with a small business if required. Pricing. Choices made early on can have a big impact on the price. Here is your chance to influence those choices. Past Performance. If you don’t have any Government project past performance, make sure you recommend that they consider relevant commercial experience. Certifications. If you have any relevant certifications, recommend that they become requirements to limit the competitive field. If you don’t have relevant certifications, recommend that they not be required because they would limit the amount of competition, really are not relevant, would increase the price, etc. Methodologies. If there is a particular approach you would take, describe it so that they can make it a requirement. Make sure that you describe your recommendations in language that can be included in the RFP. Keep in mind that if you make a recommendation and it ends up in the RFP, everyone will see it and bid accordingly. Sometimes this will level the playing field and you will lose the competitive advantage. These recommendations are better to save for when you are responding to the RFP, so that you can keep the advantage and stand out from the crowd. -
Proposal Management techniques for winning as a team
Carl Dickson posted a Starting Point in PropLibrary
Proposal management is needed when you want to go after contracts that are bigger than yourself and you have to work through -
Never pursue a bid just because you can Every bid can’t be a “Must Win.” It’s really hard to break the habit of bidding everything you find. Here is an additional list of reasons to “No Bid” an opportunity: See also: Bid/no bid decisions ❏ You find out about the opportunity when the RFP is released ❏ The customer has no budget or can’t afford what is required ❏ Your competition is cheaper or there are too many competitors ❏ You don’t know who the competition is ❏ You can’t assemble a winning team ❏ There is a requirement in the RFP that you can’t live with ❏ The price risk is too high or the performance risk is too high ❏ You have negative past performance ❏ The customer doesn’t like you or you don’t like them ❏ The customer doesn’t know you or likes someone else ❏ The customer won’t answer critical questions ❏ The opportunity doesn’t fit your corporate strategies or goals ❏ The RFP is either too vague or is too specific ❏ There’s not enough profit in it ❏ You don’t have enough staff available to write the proposal ❏ You aren’t qualified ❏ You have a conflict of interest or intellectual property issues ❏ The customer or the schedule is unrealistic ❏ You don’t have the staff to do the work if you win ❏ You don’t know who the evaluators are ❏ The customer is trying to justify a selection already made ❏ The customer is just fishing or is not serious ❏ Location, location, location ❏ The contract type is not appropriate for the type of work ❏ Your awareness is limited to what’s in the RFP ❏ There is no potential for follow-on work ❏ Pursuing it would distract you from other opportunities ❏ You can’t articulate why you should be the one to win ❏ You don’t know how the procurement fits the customer’s strategic plans ❏ The technology requested is already obsolete Return to the Topic Hub for Pre RFP Pursuit, or return to the Starting Point for Discovering What It Will Take To Win.
You should make a conscious decision whether a pursuit is worth investing in Think about the price of continued investment and not what you have already spent. Discipline is required to “no bid” opportunities that are a bad match, not worth pursuing, or simply questionable. The burden should be on justifying pursuit of the opportunity, and not on cancelling it. Deciding whether to bid an opportunity is not just a matter of guessing how much money you could make or what your chances of winning. Sometimes it’s worth it to bid something you know you’re going to lose money on. At other times it might make sense to walk away from a bid that would be profitable. Bid/No Bid Considerations: See also: Bid/no bid decisions Profitability Return on Investment Strategic value Positioning for future work To gain references Competitive positioning Relation to core competencies and customer base Level of effort to respond (cost/budget) Risk Risk in responding Risk in performing Likelihood of a win Relationship with teaming partners Return to the Topic Hub for Pre RFP Pursuit, or return to the Starting Point for Discovering What It Will Take To Win.