Topic: Roles and responsibilities
Article: How are business development, capture management, and proposal management different?
Article: 44 things you might want from your Proposal Manager
Article: Who do you need on your proposal team?
Article: 9 things your proposal team can't decide without your help
Article: When is a proposal manager not a proposal manager?
Article: How many people do you need to write a winning proposal?
Article: Is the way you are defining proposal roles and position descriptions causing problems?
Article: How executives, managers, and workers look at business development and proposals differently
Premium: Defining roles functionally
Premium: Executive sponsor
Premium: Business development manager
Premium: Capture manager
Article: What is a Capture Manager and what role do they play in winning?
Premium: Proposal manager
Premium: Process administrator
Premium: Proposal writers and subject matter experts
Premium: Graphics specialist
Premium: Production manager
Premium: Role assignment form
Premium: Who does what?
Premium: 90 things that someone needs to do to win and who is usually responsible
Article: Marketing vs. Business Development vs. Sales vs. Capture Management
Premium: Staffing your pursuit effort
Article: What matters more: business development, capture management, or proposal management?
Article: Proposal director vs proposal manager vs proposal coordinator vs proposal writer
Article: Why don’t business development and technical staff get along?
Premium: 9 factors that define the role of a Proposal Manager
Article: Whose job should it be to win?
Article: 9 reasons proposal management and proposal writing should be separate roles
Article: 7 ways to lose your proposals by overloading your proposal manager
Premium: How many proposal specialists do you need vs. how many you can afford
Article: What it’s like to be a proposal consultant vs an employee
Article: Is it business development's job to win?
Article: 9 things proposal management must accomplish to be successful
Article: 6 ways to become a better executive and win more contracts
Article: The MustWin Process
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