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Sample Proposal Quality Criteria

To facilitate your Proposal Quality Validation planning, we have prepared a set of sample quality criteria, allocated to key proposal milestones.

Make sure you customize this list to reflect the specifics of the opportunity, your type of business, and the market.

1.    Pre-RFP
If you implement Readiness Reviews, then these items have already been validated.
1.1    The opportunity is worth pursuing
1.2    We know what evaluation criteria to anticipate
1.3    We have collected the intelligence needed to write the winning proposal
1.4    The company is properly positioned
1.5    We have a strong list of competitive advantages
1.6    Our “what it will take to win” list is complete
1.7    Our list of win strategies is complete
1.8    Our implementation of win strategies in on track
1.9    Our pre-RFP list of themes is complete
1.10    We have completed everything we can to prepare for the proposal
1.11    We are ready for RFP release

2    At RFP Release
2.1    Verification that the contents of the RFP are what you expected
2.2    Identification of changes that need to be made to your pre-RFP proposal plans
2.3    Verification that the contract type and pricing tables are what you expected
2.4    Verification that the RFP does not contain any requirements that are show stoppers (including all performance standards, service levels, contract terms, and other specifications)
2.5    Verification that you are still interested in bidding

See also:
PQV quality criteria

3    Before Execution of Proposal Plans
3.1    Themes that are correct and optimized against the evaluation criteria
3.2    The compliance matrix includes all response requirements
3.3    The outline incorporates all sections in the compliance matrix in the correct sequence
3.4    The Content Plan identifies everything needed to produce the right proposal, and is ready to be used as a baseline to evaluate the draft against
3.5    All graphics in the Content Plan have the primary objective identified
3.6    The schedule is the best allocation of time, and deadlines are realistic and enforceable
3.7    Assignments are correct, no one is overloaded, and everyone who can contribute is included
3.8    The Validation Plan is sufficient to meet the required quality standards
3.9    The Production Plan is RFP compliant, properly sized and scoped, and will result in the right deliverable document
3.10    The pricing model is properly structured
3.11    The Content Plan for the pricing volume accounts for all of the required items
3.12    The Proposal plans are ready to implement

4    Early Draft Completion
4.1    The draft addresses everything in the Content Plan
4.2    The draft is compliant with the RFP
4.3    The draft contains experience citations in every place relevant/possible throughout the document
4.4    The proposed approaches reflect the best cost/benefit trade-offs and the customer’s preferences.
4.5    Every opportunity has been taken to use graphics to communicate visually in every section
4.6    Pricing targets that are valid and competitive
4.7    Assumptions are being collected and tracked

5    Mature Draft Completion
5.1    All modifications/changes to the RFP have been incorporated
5.2    Nothing has changed in the document that might make it non-compliant
5.3    The draft will score well against the evaluation criteria
5.4    The draft properly implements all win strategies
5.5    The draft reflects your full customer awareness
5.6    The draft positions the company properly
5.7    The draft clearly articulates the reasons why the customer should select you
5.8    Graphics are being used to replace text instead of being redundant
5.9    The primary objective or conclusion of each graphic is clear
5.10    Everything in each graphic is appropriate for the anticipated audience
5.11    Each graphic answers all of the questions that it should
5.12    Each graphic presents the subject matter accurately
5.13    All graphics are free of errors
5.14    The document is ready for production
5.15    The pricing data is compliant, accurate, and properly structured
5.16    All ODCs and other costs are accounted for
5.17    Explanations are properly provided for any pricing data that require them
5.18    All assumptions are fully documented
5.19    The pricing is compatible with the technical/management proposals
5.20    The pricing data is competitive while meeting revenue/profit goals

6    Production
6.1    The document has been edited and proofread
6.2    The document matches the specifications of the Production Plan
6.3    The document has been assembled correctly
6.4    The document is ready to package
6.5    Packaging and labeling match the specifications of the Production Plan
6.6    The document is ready to submit
6.7    Verification that the document has been received by the customer
6.8    The pricing volume has been packaged according to the RFP instructions (often separate from the rest of the proposal)
6.9    The pricing volume has been properly assembled

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