101 ways to help a potential customer in writing
Do your communications give value or just ask ask for things?
Are most of your interactions with potential customers these days in writing? Relationship marketing is about providing support and building trust. This is still true when your relationship is conducted by writing. When communicating with potential customers in writing, are you giving them value or just asking for things?
What can you give in writing that helps a potential customer? They don’t even have to cost a thing to give, but can still have value to the customer. How about:
- Explanations
- Comparisons
- Descriptions
- Requirements
- Criteria
- Processes and procedures
- Reviews
- Examples
- Templates
- Case studies
- Terms and conditions
- Estimates
- Specifications
- Summaries
- Answers
- Questions to ask
- References
- Referrals
- Instructions
- Preferences
- Perspective
- Guidance
- Training
- Facts or data
- Pictures, illustrations, or graphics
- Associations
- Contract clauses or language
- Schedules
- Allocations
- Considerations
- Amounts
- Alternatives
- Durations
- Deadlines
- Inspiration
- Events
- Trends
- Contingencies
- Things to anticipate
- Confirmation
- Congratulations
- Recognition
- Substantiation
- Plans
- Forms
- Checklists
- Suggestions
- Organization
- Ranges, limits, starting and ending points
- Best practices
- A reason to smile
- Clarification
- Direction
- Targets
- Models
- Assessments
- Risk identification
- Risk avoidance
- Risk mitigation
- Research
- Rules
- Regulations
- Loopholes
- Precedence
- Exceptions
- Inclusions
- Exclusions
- Compliance
- Options
- Background
- Reminders
- Improvements
- Pros
- Cons
- Lessons learned
- Wording
- Structure
- Penalties
- Rewards
- Incentives
- Action items
- Concerns
- Insight
- Creativity
- Testimonials
- Feedback
- Opportunities
- Solutions
- Sources
- Destinations
- Secrets
- Announcements
- News
- Advice
- Observations
- Corrections
- Quantities
- Objectivity
- Collaboration
I saved my two favorites for last:
100. Things they’ve never thought of before or wouldn’t think about on their own
101. What they need to take the next step or to do their job
These can be precious gifts. The kind that earn goodwill. The kind that can start or cement a relationship. The kind that lead to winning business.
Providing support and earning trust in writing is about delivering value and establishing credibility. Every email or written interaction is subject to scrutiny. Are you a giver or a taker? Are you a time sink or do you add value? How do you want your potential customer to perceive you?
The next time you’re trying to be an asset instead of being a burden, this list should give you some inspiration.
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Carl Dickson
Carl is the Founder and President of CapturePlanning.com and PropLIBRARY
Carl is an expert at winning in writing, with more than 30 year's experience. He's written multiple books and published over a thousand articles that have helped millions of people develop business and write better proposals. Carl is also a frequent speaker, trainer, and consultant and can be reached at carl.dickson@captureplanning.com. To find out more about him, you can also connect with Carl on LinkedIn.