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14 examples of proposal writing that show how to exceed RFP compliance in ways that don’t cost a dime

Because RFP compliance is not enough to win.

When I tell people that they should exceed RFP compliance if they want to win, they often reply “But if we do that we’ll be too expensive.” This comes from an assumption that time is money and that anything you do takes time. When I point out that you can go beyond the RFP without it actually costing anything, they often reply with “But how do we do that?” Well, here’s how…

Proposal writing examples

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1) Focus on “why” in addition to compliance. Show that you are the better alternative for the customer to select because you have better judgment. Having better judgment does not cost anything. Not having good judgment is what will cost you.

The reason we do [RFP requirement] by [differentiated approach] is that it [mitigates risk | improves quality | achieves a benefit].

2) Make something common uncommon. Everyone is going to propose a quality assurance plan, probably because the customer requires it. But even if they don't, you probably will do things according to quality principles because it prevents risk to your company. If you're going to do things anyway, you might as way get credit for doing them! But how can you avoid having an approach that is minimal and the same as everyone else's approach? What makes your approach special? Everyone is going to have an approach to staffing the project. Everyone is going to be compliant (at least the only competitors to be concerned about will be fully compliant). Everyone can do the work. Everyone has experience. Most of these are routine. So in everything you do, what can you do so that it is not routine? Show that in addition to what you do and the reason why, there is also something added. This simple change in presentation makes the ordinary something more, something special.

Our approach to [quality | something else] goes beyond the [double checking | something else] so that it also serves as a [project management | design | something else] tool. This not only achieves [goal] but also adds value by [additional benefit].

3) Focus on how you will deliver instead of what you will deliver. This works best when the RFP forces everyone to bid the same thing. Everyone who makes the competitive range will be compliant. If you are going to differentiate, you have to do it without adding to the cost. So don’t change what you will deliver, just deliver it in a better way. Something as simple as checklists or documented standard operating procedures that are kept as records so they can be verified can take you from someone who promises, to someone who has verifiable, accountable delivery.

By [differentiated approach] we ensure [better | faster | more reliable] [delivery | implementation | execution].

4) Use compliance to solve a problem that others leave unspoken. Everyone will be compliant. But you can show more value delivered by talking about the problems your approach to fulfilling the requirements will solve. This is also much more compelling than telling the customer you’ll do what they asked you to do. While it may be true that everyone who is compliant will do the same thing, by mentioning the issues you demonstrate more understanding, preparedness, risk management, and value than those who don't mention the issues you do.

By meeting the required deadline for [requirement] we ensure we have enough time later for [second requirement]. This [mitigates the risk | something else] of [problem] and ensures we can [benefit]. 

5) Ghost the competition. Explain why if someone else doesn’t do things the way you do they’ll be unacceptable. This involves explaining what you do that's different, the problems it solves, and the possibility of those problems occurring if another vendor doesn't do things the way you do.

We do [differentiated approach] because it [avoids a problem | mitigates a risk | ensures compliance | adds value]. A contractor that doesn’t do this will expose the customer to unacceptable risk of noncompliance and [other problems].

6) Offer something intangible. Intangible benefits are difficult to quantify and usually less compelling. But as a last resort, they can sometimes earn you a few points in evaluation. While intangible benefits can be real, the challenge is that they are not quantifiable, tangible, or easy to prove. 

Because we have experience with [reference], we can better anticipate problems like [examples].

7) Make something intangible tangible. Do you provide better quality? Are you faster? More reliable? More experienced? More capable? More responsive? More flexible? If you simply claim these attributes, they will likely be ignored. What can you do to make them tangible? Can you quantify them? Can you draw a picture? Can you provide an example? Can you make the impact clear? Making intangible differences tangible can be challenging. Which is why most of your competitors will not do it and why if you do it you can outscore them. Quality is often promised, but especially when delivering services it can be very subjective. If you make it less subjective, you can appear much more thorough and provide a tangible difference that the evaluators can score as a strength in your proposal.

The reason our services are of better quality is that we define it. See Exhibit X for a sample of the quality criteria we use. We use one checklist for each task assignment to ensure that we can define success. We use the second checklist after completion to verify that we delivered as promised. By simply checking the boxes, we accumulate performance metrics that identify trends, uncover problems, and support making decisions such as resource allocation. The result is tangibly better quality of service.

8 ) Quantify things they don’t. Take the key tradeoff decisions from your basis of estimate (BOE) and explain why they are the right choices. Or explain why your capacities beyond what the RFP requires mitigate risks or provide other benefits. This can involve citing things you already have that the customer didn't ask for, but in the right circumstances could prove to be a benefit.

In addition to the X staff required for this project, we have an additional X staff who enable us to respond quickly in the event of turnover or a change in the requirements.

9) Address the stakeholders. You may be delivering the exact same thing, but by citing benefits to the customer's users, partners, executives, and other stakeholders you can show greater understanding and value. Often delivering benefits to the customer's stakeholders also benefits the customer.

We will leverage [compliance with requirement] to ensure that [needs] of [customer]’s stakeholders are not only met but that they also [receive benefits]. 

10) Don’t just comply, accomplish the goal. Make the benefits of everything you do achieve the goals the customer has for conducting the procurement. They may be ordering paper clips with certain specifications, but their goal might be having well organized recordkeeping. While everyone will be compliant, you will be accomplishing something that matters to them.

We will achieve [goal] by [approach to compliance with RFP requirements] so that [bigger picture]. 

11) Offer a better future. Think of it as a long-term relationship. What are the possibilities down the road? What does this project set up for the future? What kind of foundation will you lay? Making this your goal is another way to show understanding and added value while simply meeting the requirements of this project.

In addition to [required capability] we bring capabilities in [related but not required]. As [project] matures, these additional capabilities will become more relevant and could position [customer] to better meet its future goals.

12) Be easier to work with. If you’ve got several vendors who can all supply what you want at a reasonable price, who would you pick? Would it be one that’s uninspiring but compliant, or one that seems super helpful? A lot depends on what you’re procuring. Is it a bit uncertain? Outside your area of expertise? Complicated? Sometimes being easy to work with matters a lot to the customer even though it’s not part of the specifications.

In several important ways, our approach adapts to [customer]’s preferences. Since they require similar level of effort, we will consult with [customer] to determine which of the following approach options you prefer. 

13) Exceed the specifications. If you can complete the transition in half the time, then do that and explain how the customer will benefit. If some of the performance specifications are easy to meet, offer to accept a tougher standard that you know you can still meet. Because others won’t. Don't be afraid to commit to doing things better when you can.

While the requirement is that monthly reports be delivered on time 90% of the time, we commit to delivering these reports on time 98% of the time. The difference is that we will be late five times less than our competitors who merely comply with the RFP.

14) Be more compliant than compliant. Offer compliance that goes beyond the RFP. When customers care about compliance, it is usually because they have things they have to comply with.

In addition to complying with the RFP requirements, we will ensure that the work is performed according to [relevant laws, regulations, and directives].

Do you want to submit an ordinary proposal or a great proposal?

Taking approaches like these enables you to go from submitting an ordinary proposal to submitting a proposal that is better. And you can do this with any RFP, no matter how specific or limiting the requirements. You can do these things without adding any cost to what you are offering. And if you are in a best value competition, you can take each of these things further by investing time or resources into turning them into differentiators and then quantifying the difference in value to the customer.

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Carl Dickson

Carl is the Founder and President of CapturePlanning.com and PropLIBRARY

Carl is an expert at winning in writing, with more than 30 year's experience. He's written multiple books and published over a thousand articles that have helped millions of people develop business and write better proposals. Carl is also a frequent speaker, trainer, and consultant and can be reached at carl.dickson@captureplanning.com. To find out more about him, you can also connect with Carl on LinkedIn.

Click here to learn how to engage Carl as a consultant.

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