Introduction to the MustWin Process
This short course is intended for people who are about to begin working on a pursuit that will use part or all of the MustWin Process, or who want to learn more about it before committing. It is intended more as an orientation than serious training, but it makes use of and demonstrates the features of our online training platform.
1 Module
1 Quiz
4 Articles
1 Video

Carl is the founder of and PropLIBRARY. The materials he has published have helped millions of people develop business and write better proposals. Carl is an expert at winning in writing. He is a prolific author, frequent speaker, trainer, and consultant.
In addition, the groups Carl moderates on LinkedIn provide a place for tens of thousands of business development and proposal professionals to discuss best practices and network.
Feel free to contact Carl with questions via email: or by calling 321-355-8383.
You should also visit his website.
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Charles Lambert
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