How to read a US Government RFP
US Federal Government RFPs can be big and complicated, but they don't have to be intimidating. They have a particular structure, and if you understand it, you will be able to quickly make sense of what the RFP contains. This course explains that structure and how to approach reading an RFP so that you can better plan your proposal.
We offer this course free of charge, partly because it's a prerequisite to any Government RFP based proposal, and partly because it's a demonstration of the many other online courses that come with a subscription to PropLIBRARY.
2 Modules
1 Quiz
7 Articles
1 Video

Carl is the founder of and PropLIBRARY. The materials he has published have helped millions of people develop business and write better proposals. Carl is an expert at winning in writing. He is a prolific author, frequent speaker, trainer, and consultant.
In addition, the groups Carl moderates on LinkedIn provide a place for tens of thousands of business development and proposal professionals to discuss best practices and network.
Feel free to contact Carl with questions via email: or by calling 321-355-8383.
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